The Power of A Good Critique
"I loved the group discussions on the retreat and I really enjoyed everyone's readings. Such richness, depth and diversity to the stories. My writing is coming easier and I feel I can go anywhere and write about anything."
~Lisa Calhoon "My biggest breakthrough on the retreat was feeling I belonged with other writers." ~Sheila O'Conner |
"I went to Emily to find out if I was creative enough to be a writer, which was my hidden dream from childhood. This began a long process of learning to believe I was a writer, learning to get in touch with the creativity that gives birth to characters and events that move books along. It’s probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m doing it! And I know without a doubt that I could never have done it alone. I could never have done it without Emily’s guidance and retreats." ~Rosemary Clarkin